
September 29, 2022

Taro Rosti

Much has changed since I began this journey, one small change has been that my grocery stores now carry taro root. They are hairier than even kiwi, which makes one question whether enjoyable food could be inside. Peeled, they look like their potato cousins, and one begins to see what they are about.

Some people set a lot by doing things the natural way. I was wooed by this idea when I was pregnant with David, but I’m past that need to prove myself by jumping through hoops of my own making. I would guess that grating all of that taro by hand would take the better part of an hour. My delightful food processor fought its way through in less than five minutes.

Onion, salt, and pepper round out the flavors on what is essentially a hash brown. You are told to squeeze the liquid from them. I did not do this as much as was wanted, but I felt the liquid helped hold them together. I’ve never been very successful at hash browns, these seemed a lot easier.

*Sasha’s blog said that people from Palau love barbecue sauce, so there was no guilt in giving David and Jakob free rein with the bottle.

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